Tuesday, May 7, 2013

My wishful month ^_^

I don't know... I have got so many wishes !!!

Wish is basically  " a strong desire or hope for something that is not easily attainable" , therefore I think it would contradict with the things that I feel I can do or I will be able to do easily in near future. That's why I am wishing something really crazy.

After thinking for ages sicne I have zillions of wishes, I wish for a month where all my wishes would come true. Let me share what I wish to happen in my " WISHFUL MONTH".

I wish to be a princess for a whole month. Let me clarify I wish to be a princess without all the obligations and restrictions. So, I would call it " princess with only all the pleasures". I would shop and travel the entire month with a fully loaded card. I wish to have trillions of clothes and billions of shoes by the end of the month.

Wait, wait, wait I would not want to shop alone all around the world. I wish to have my prince charming " Salman Khan" ( Bollywood Actor) with me through out the tour. All along my life, I have alwys wished to be with Salman Khan. For me he is the ultimate charmer. I have watched all his movies may be five times. But I bet you I will still cry and laugh with him in his any movies.
Salman Khan
What would I do then with the most handsome person ( in my view) in the world. Well..... there is another wish, I would have the most memorable night of my life listening to " John Mayer" . Your body is a wonderland, who says I can't get stoned are the songs that I would never mind playing again and again in my Iphone. And oh yes, I wish him to sing for me infact us again and again.
John Mayer

After such a beautiful night, I would not miss to see " Beyonce". Beyonce, you can say is my idol. I love the way she moves. I believe she has got all the grace of a women. She is elegant yet very bold at the same time. What would I do If I see her? I know it would sound silly but I would ask her to teach me some of her dance steps. And also give me some tips that would make me something like her.


There are still so many things in my list. Remember I said a month. Then I wish to watch Titanic all over again with "Leonardo dicaprio". He is one of those actors who give me goosebumps with his expressions in his movies. I wish to see him in real atleast once and that also to watch Titanic. I doubt if there is anyone in this world who didn't like him in the movie. I would talk to him and ask all the questions that I have.

Leonardo dicaprio

I have been telling you I would travel and shop but where? I think taht is the major question. I wish to "travel" Switzerland, my country Nepal, Paris, London, Korea and Thailand. I have shorlisted the number of countires because I just have one month. I would do all the best things happening in these countries. I want to feel the snow, the heat, the fashion, the beauty, the culture and the lifestyle in all of this palces.






There are still so many things that I wish but since I just wished for a month I think i wouldn't do anything more than this.

I know when my "wishful month" would end I would have nothing with me. All the pleasures and fun will be gone. I will be back to my normal life where income, expenses, restrictions, responsibilities, ethics, relatons will bound me. But there is one thing that I will take with me for rest of my life and that is my "memories".



  1. U can do this all in ur normal life coz u know whts ur dream,,, still i dont know whts my dream...

    1. * when you know your dream in life, your life will change.

      i am still waiting for my life to change !!

      so pretty much we are in the same boat !! :)
