Friday, May 10, 2013

A visit to NASA

This would definitely be my most wanted as it is the most improbable (almost surreal!) on my wishlist :-(...I've always had an interest in Astrology and discovering the Universe, ever since I was a little girl (one of the effect of watching Sailor Moon I guess :-D). I would every now and then pay a visit to the Sydney Observatory to experience the thrilling and exciting feeling of observing the outer space (trust me, the feeling is terrific you'll never regret it!). It actually amazes me how tiny we are to the Earth and yet our very own planet is just a little dot in the galaxy. And then there might be life on other planets that is yet to be discovered by mankind; how the Universe was formed; etc. Going through all that really takes you on a time machine where you can witness life before it even started.

At the moment, I still have no clue how a person can get a pass to NASA so my planning is only at its initial stage lol!!! Nonetheless, I'll definitely have the answer by the time I leave New York City and head to their headquarters in Washington D.C. For now, I can only look at it from afar and wish :-P...But like I've said, we can always be wishful while we're young! Keep wishing and maybe some day I might even be able to name myself a star ^_^.

Jenny Nguyen

Breakfast at Tiffany's!!!

Inspired by Audrey Hepburn's acclaimed movie, it could have been every girl's dream to re-enact that scene where Holly Golightly had her pastry and coffee at Tiffany & Co. Well, I'm no different :-)! It may sound foolish to some people who pass the Fifth Avenue everyday and have their meals nearby. However, to someone who only experienced it through the TV screen, the feeling is absolutely sensational!

Catching my flight from Heathrow Airport to New York City, and of course save the best for last, Tiffany and Co. would be my final stop. Here are my must witness list:

The Statue of Liberty

Time Square

Ground Zero Memorial

Central Park

And finally:

Having my lovely breakfast and listening to her melody "Moon River"~~~my dream has come true!!!

Jenny Nguyen

Czech Republic - Germany - Netherlands - Belgium

Prague in winter is truly a fairy tale in real life! Here you can treat yourself one of the finest beer and delicious cuisine before visiting the 800-year-old city Dresden in Germany


When in Germany, you cannot miss Berlin and especially the remaining part of the Berlin Wall which once separated the nation during the Second World War:

Our next stop will be Netherlands, famous for its flowers and of course the Red Light District (just a walk around >_<!!!):

Here comes the final destination of the tour, Belgium! My only mission in this country would probably be to taste as much chocolate as I can :-D...and of course you cannot miss their fabulous city, Brugge:

Every story must come to an end! After having a farewell dinner, we will then hop on to our coach to head back to London where I take the flight to fulfill my second wish - breakfast at Tiffany!!!

Full details of the trip can also be found here

Jenny Nguyen

Thursday, May 9, 2013

England - France - Switzerland - Italy - Austria

The kingdom of the historical beauties and all the mysterious landscape! Most of Topdeck tours start from this lovely nation then we'll go around Europe. It's a huge mistake to miss England on your list. I'll be ahead of the tour for a week just to enjoy all the scenery and these are the must see:


The London Eye

The crop circles

Then we'll take the train to romantic France:

The Eiffel Tower

The Arc de Triompe

The Seine river

Our next destination will be Switzerland where you can witness the greatness of the Swiss Alps:

Leaving Switzerland behind, our coach will take us to Italy - capital of ancient history and arts. I really want to experience all of the city in this fantastic country, nevertheless, the tour is limited to only:

The Leaning Tower of Pisa




Here comes the most exciting part of my holiday (well for a classical music fan like me), we will travel from Venice to Austria, hometown of the well-known Mozart Amadeus, the peaceful city of Salzburg:

Saying goodbye to Austria, we will be heading to North East of Europe where the second part of my trip continues.

Jenny Nguyen

Europe here I come!!!

So what would be your rewards for the forever long 4 years you spent at university :-)???? A higher degree plan? Internship? Graduate program? Or start looking for a job :-(? All of those can wait :-P!!! There're certain things we can do only while we're young and that is to be foolish lol, exploring the world; making wishful dreams...As for me, I'm on my way to accomplish the three wishes that I'm dying to make them come true after I say goodbye to the campus life and before starting an office life: a trip to Europe; breakfast at Tiffany and a visit to NASA. If you do share the same wishful but not too dreamy mind as mine, please join me on my journeys and get the most out of it!!!

A crucial tip for travel: it's not safe to travel by yourself if you're a gal like me!!! One of my friends who had traveled with Topdeck actually recommended their tours to me. After a few researches on their website, I found them quite an amazing organization. Having 35 years of experience in organizing tours all over the world, their travel partners range from backpackers to hotels, whichever is your taste. I love the idea that they plan all the itinerary and where we're going to stay for each day so that you can actually join the group midway, that is if you can find where we're at lol! They even offer travel insurance and tips for your baggage so your holiday can really become hassle-free!!! (don't you hate packing and unpacking? and this is 9 countries we're dealing with, nightmare!!!).

I'll be part of the Winter Getaway trip which departs at the end of November (it'll be freezing i know lol). The trip is 18 days long and we're visiting 9 countries, these are the nations that I really want to see because I do plan to come back if they impress me ^_^! Okay, let's first get start with:

Jenny Nguyen

Culture of Nepal

Culture of Nepal

Devotees of the Festival chhah Parva in Janakpur, Nepal.

Traditional Nepalese cuisine- (Dal bhat)
A typical Nepalese meal is Dal bhat. Dal is a spicy lentil soup, served over bhat (boiled     rice), served with tarkari (curried vegetables) together with achar (pickles) or chutni (spicy condiment made from fresh ingredients). It consists of non-vegetarian as well as vegetarian items served with non-alcoholic beverages. Mustard oil is the cooking medium and a host of spices, such as cumin, coriander, black peppers, sesame seeds, turmeric, garlic, ginger, methi (fenugreek), bay leaves, cloves, cinnamon, pepper, chillies, mustard seeds, etc., are used in the cooking. The cuisine served on festivals is generally the best.

History of Nepal



Nepal is first mentioned in the late Vedic text, Atharvaveda Parisista as a place exporting blankets, and in the post-Vedic Atharva Siras Upanisad. In Samudragupta's Allahabad inscription it is mentioned as a bordering country. The 'Skanda Purana' has a separate chapter known as 'Nepal Mahatmya', which "explains in more details about the beauty and power of Nepal." Nepal is also mentioned in Hindu texts such as the Narayana Puja.
According to Gopal Vansawali, the genealogy of Nepalese monarchy, the earliest settlers in Nepal were Gopalas, followed by Mahispala, followed by Kirata. Tibeto-Burman people probably lived in Nepal 2,500 years ago. However, there is no archaeologic evidence of Gopala, Mahispala or Kirata rulers other than later documents (Lichchavi and Malla era) mentioning about them.


-When i go to the Nepal, i would like to travel around the Nepal and help them and exchange the cultures teach the children.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

(4) - (5) - (6)

(4) Okcheon - (5) Daegu - (6) Hapcheon

In Hapcheon, I will visit Haeinsa first and my grandmother's hometown.
To be there, it is necessary to transfer in Daegu.

From Okcheon to Daegu,
(we have to go back to Daejeon first and Daegu)
Bus fee : $2.3 + $8.5
Est. time : 0.5 + 2 hrs

From Daegu - Hapcheon (Haeinsa)
Bus fee : $7
Est. time : 1.5 hrs

Haeinsa is a head temple of Korean Buddhism located in the Gaya mountains. It was first built in 802. Legend says that two Korean monks returned from China, Suneung and Ijeong, and healed King Aejang's wife of illness. In gratitude of the Buddha's mercy, the king ordered the construction of the temple. Another account, by Choe Chi-Won in 900 states that Suneung and his disciple Ijeong, gained the support of a queen dowager who converted to Buddhism and then helped to finance the construction of the temple. The temple is also one of the Three Jewel Temples of Korea, and represents Dharma or the Buddha's teachings. It was the home temple of the influential Rev. Seongcheol, who died in 1993

In Haeinsa, there is a national treasure which is Tripitaka koreana. 
Tripitaka Koreana is a collection of the Tripitaka (Buddhist scriptures and the Sanskrit word for "three baskets") carved onto 81,258 wooden printing blocks in the 13th century.
Proudly, it is the world's most comprehensive and oldest intact version of Buddhist canon in Hanja script, with no known errors or errata in the 53,382,960 characters which are organised in over 1496 titles and 6568 volumes. In addition, Tripitaka Koreana is on the UNESCO World Heritage list.


-Korean traditional dance:

Dance in Korea began with shamanistic early rituals five thousand years ago and now ranges from folk dance to newly created and adapted contemporary dance.
-I can dance this one a little and i would like to teach the dance to the children of the Nepal.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

-The janggu (or janggo; also spelled changgo) or sometimes called seyogo (slim waist drum) is the most widely used drum used in the traditional music of Korea. It is available in most kinds, and consists of an hourglass-shaped body with two heads made from animal skin. The two heads produce sounds of different pitch and timbre, which when played together are believed to represent the harmony of man and woman.

-Traditional Korean musical instruments comprise a wide range of string, wind, and percussion instruments. Many of these originate from Chinese culture.

if i go to Nepal........
After graduating, i would like to go to Nepal and teach Korean traditional instruments and dance to the children. As well as I will do anything about improving the social environment, if i can do it.

In the Home Stay/ Cultural Exchange program volunteers are placed with a Nepali family within the Kathmandu Valley for the duration of their stay and live in either a small rural village or a city. During your home stay you will learn about all aspects of Nepali culture, lifestyle, food, and have the opportunity to attend 2 hours of language lessons in the morning and in the afternoon. As the experience is a cultural exchange, you should try to share with your host family some knowledge of your own home culture and customs as well. As a volunteer you have the flexibility to decide how you spend your time and what you would most like to get involved in. Home stay programs can be arranged for two or four weeks only, with the best time to take part being between August and December – this is the time when most large local festivals take place, providing you with a wonderfully exciting experience. Furthermore, if there are any chances, I would like to teach the children about Korean traditional instruments and dance.

My wishful month ^_^

I don't know... I have got so many wishes !!!

Wish is basically  " a strong desire or hope for something that is not easily attainable" , therefore I think it would contradict with the things that I feel I can do or I will be able to do easily in near future. That's why I am wishing something really crazy.

After thinking for ages sicne I have zillions of wishes, I wish for a month where all my wishes would come true. Let me share what I wish to happen in my " WISHFUL MONTH".

I wish to be a princess for a whole month. Let me clarify I wish to be a princess without all the obligations and restrictions. So, I would call it " princess with only all the pleasures". I would shop and travel the entire month with a fully loaded card. I wish to have trillions of clothes and billions of shoes by the end of the month.

Wait, wait, wait I would not want to shop alone all around the world. I wish to have my prince charming " Salman Khan" ( Bollywood Actor) with me through out the tour. All along my life, I have alwys wished to be with Salman Khan. For me he is the ultimate charmer. I have watched all his movies may be five times. But I bet you I will still cry and laugh with him in his any movies.
Salman Khan
What would I do then with the most handsome person ( in my view) in the world. Well..... there is another wish, I would have the most memorable night of my life listening to " John Mayer" . Your body is a wonderland, who says I can't get stoned are the songs that I would never mind playing again and again in my Iphone. And oh yes, I wish him to sing for me infact us again and again.
John Mayer

After such a beautiful night, I would not miss to see " Beyonce". Beyonce, you can say is my idol. I love the way she moves. I believe she has got all the grace of a women. She is elegant yet very bold at the same time. What would I do If I see her? I know it would sound silly but I would ask her to teach me some of her dance steps. And also give me some tips that would make me something like her.


There are still so many things in my list. Remember I said a month. Then I wish to watch Titanic all over again with "Leonardo dicaprio". He is one of those actors who give me goosebumps with his expressions in his movies. I wish to see him in real atleast once and that also to watch Titanic. I doubt if there is anyone in this world who didn't like him in the movie. I would talk to him and ask all the questions that I have.

Leonardo dicaprio

I have been telling you I would travel and shop but where? I think taht is the major question. I wish to "travel" Switzerland, my country Nepal, Paris, London, Korea and Thailand. I have shorlisted the number of countires because I just have one month. I would do all the best things happening in these countries. I want to feel the snow, the heat, the fashion, the beauty, the culture and the lifestyle in all of this palces.






There are still so many things that I wish but since I just wished for a month I think i wouldn't do anything more than this.

I know when my "wishful month" would end I would have nothing with me. All the pleasures and fun will be gone. I will be back to my normal life where income, expenses, restrictions, responsibilities, ethics, relatons will bound me. But there is one thing that I will take with me for rest of my life and that is my "memories".